the accumulation of material that washes up onto the beach of John Parry's shore

A sack of objet trouvé. Ultimately they will be put into drawers and labeled, but until then, until classification and what could be called a collection, they will be arranged by date.

Saturday 25 September 2010

Quite a good Belgian site on storyboarding -

atelier - layout
I find is quite a comprehensive glossary of terms. it is french, but quite clear, and I would argue the language is common.

"Le rough est effectué par un dessinateur souvent spécialisé, le roughman, qui utilise des gammes de feutres sur des supports papier destinés à cet usage (papiers dits lay-out, fins, lisses, relativement transparents)."

I like the name 'Le roughman', though it does nothing for gender equality such as layout artist.

Le roughman exerce la plupart du temps en free-lance et doit se constituer lui-même sa clientèle auprès des agences de pub et des directeurs artistiques.

I like "des agences de pub" too. pub shortened publicite = advertising = ads.

I am a roughman in the pub business! (easy tiger).

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